Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Frank (1/26): RTS Volume, Squats

Back Squat
4x350 @ 8
4x350 @ 9
4x350 @ 9
4x350 @ 10
4x350 @ 10
4x350 @ 10
The first set was really easy, which made me pretty happy. For at least the first few sets, I tried to sink it at low as possible, so I'm sure a good number hit parallel. Becca said that all of the reps on the last set were a smidgen too high.

Power Clean
I didn't want to do deficit deadlifts because I think deadlifting heavy twice per week is a little excessive given that the deadlift is already by far my strongest lift and doing so is also very taxing on the CNS. So, it was either power cleans or snatch-grip deadlifts (relatively light) from a deficit. I chose power cleans because I like doing them =). Form was ugly, but all reps were really easy.

Ab Rollout: 3x6

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