Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Frank (1/19): RTS Volume, Squats

Did some pushups on Sunday, nothing more. This workout was generally kind of crappy.

Back Squat
3x345 @ 8
3x345 @ 8
3x345 @ 8
3x345 @ 9
3x345 @ 9
3x345 @ 9
Not all of these hit depth. I could feel some back-rounding, and at least one was good-morninged. I had a little problem getting proper hip drive on these. I mostly muscled these up, which I guess is good because it shows I have the brute strength for it, but my technique was poor in general. There is a groove that I hit when doing pause squats that I need to find here.

Deficit Deadlifts (~4.5")
3x430 @ 8
3x430 @ 8
3x430 @ 8
3x430 @ 9
3x430 @ 9
3x430 @ 9
I have some problems holding a good arch at this height. I think some of my mid-back "rounding" may actually just be my lats poking out since I still have that same "rounding" now that I'm looking at myself in my home mirror, but I'd have to go shirtless for anyone to really tell. Better not to be lazy, anyway.

Ab Rollout: 5, 5, 6

This wasn't supposed to be a hard workout, and it wasn't, but I think part of why today kind of sucked was because I didn't go in with the right mindset. I will need to fix that in the future.

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