Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Deirdre: Test day

1/16/10: Test day

Squat: 45x5, 95x5, 115x3?, 135x3?, 155x1, 175x1, 185xFAILx2

This was really frustrating. Form seemed ok, but I just haven't been squatting above 155 in months. Nathan also cited a lack of intensity, which is true. Need to lift heavy again. My goal for the meet is 200 (hit 195 last time), but I need to push myself to get back there.

Bench: 45x5, 65x5, 85x4, 95x1?, 115x1, 125x1, 135xFAIL

Alas! 130 was totally doable, 125 was easy, I definitely shouldn't have attempted a new PR without testing my previous PR. My bench has been getting way more attention lately than the other lifts, but I haven't been pausing as much, and my weakness is definitely at the bottom of the lift vs lockout. Considering these, I'm not disappointed, but definitely need to work on the pauses and power off the bottom to hit 135 at meet.

Sumo deadlift: 135x4, 165x4?, 185x3, 215x1?, 225x1, 245?x1, 255x1, 275xCouldn't lock out

So close! That 275 is my meet PR, and I got it all the way up, but my back was arched and just couldn't pull it through and lock it out. Considering that I got my PR up after weeks of not deadlifting, I'm satisfied with this. Gotta work on that lockout.

For this meet, my goals are not extreme, I basically want to hit my lifts from August with maybe a +5 on each. I have not been training in PL mode these past few months, so I'll be doing a quick and dirty PL run-up-to-meet this month, probably from the sheiko program I did last time. If I add +15 to my total, I will be more than satisfied.

In other news, I got a new belt, that actually fits me. It's named the Harbinger of Death. ^.^

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