Monday, January 18, 2010

Brian - Max Deadlift (1/16) and Bench (1/17)

Weirdddddd max deadlift day. Explanation after...

Warmup - 133x5, 183x3, 223x3
Working - 273x1 @7, 313x1 @7.5, 353x1 @8, 383xfailx2, 363xfail, 353xfail, 313x1 @7, 355x1 @8, 373x1 @9, 383x1 @10 (+10LB PR)

So, I tried using Frank's belt. It actually felt a LOT better meaning I felt like I had more support and that it fit way better than the one I'm using now. I don't think I was quite ready to use it on max attempts though. Once I started failing on the upper numbers I just couldn't get it back together. I wasn't even getting the bar off the ground. I dropped to 315 with the old belt to "reset," and then progressed back up. everything up to 373 was good for with arched back. 383 PR was standard form-break-down-but-pull-it-anyway rep. Happy!

45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 185x3, 225x1

I stopped after this because my shoulder was hurting. Turns out that when I got pissed and pulled 313 as fast as I could I shoved it back onto the ground and tweeked my shoulder a bit. Whoops...

Next day, bench.

Bench w/ Pause;
Warmup - 45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 160x2
Working - 185x1, 205x1, 225x1, 230xfail

I stopped after this because my shoulder was hurting. Stupid me.

Medium grip bench w/ half pad;
185x3, 205x1, 225x1, 235x1

Narrow grip bench w/ full pad;

Stopped cause I didn't want to hurt myself. Deload week next.

Current PR's after this max cycle are:

Squat: 275
Bench: 230
Deadlift: 383

Goals for the Feb. competition are 300, 240, and 400. Goal for this year is a 1000+ total at a competition. Both goals seem within reach but still difficult.

I feel great about progress this cycle.


  1. Congratulations on the new deadlift PR. But anyway, I don't think that it's a good idea to experiment (new form, equipment, etc) when you are supposed to break PRs.

    Also congratulations for dropping that 313. Being hardcore it more important that staying healthy!

  2. Yes, that was my mistake for suggesting it. It takes a while to get used to new equipment. I didn't get anything out of my belt for a few days either.

  3. lol, I learned a good lesson Danny. Thankfully I feel 100% this morning after ice the last few days and slowly working it out.

    And no worries Frank! I'm going to look into buying one like yours and start training with it during volume.

  4. Also, when you tweak something, I found from personal experience that taking Advil (or, in general, Ibuprofen) right before bed can make a huge difference. THIS IS NOT A MEDICAL ADVICE, AND I SUGGEST TO ASK A CERTIFIED MD!!!
