Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Shanker 12/22: GVT3 Lower 2 Cycle 3

Jog 1/2 mile
Dynamic Stretching
DL 135x10; 225x8; 275x5

Deadlift (3-4 mins between working sets @ 390, links to videos)
1) 315x5
2) 365x3
3) 390x3
Felt very easy.
4) 390x3
No quite as easy.
5) 390x3
6) 390x3
7) 390x3
Some rounding in last few sets, quite noticeable in last one. I'm noticing, my first rep always seems infinitely harder than rep 2. I'm not sure why this is, any thoughts?

Deficit Deadlifts (2-3 min breaks, links to videos. Numerous problems with people being completely oblivious to recording set up. Was very, very tired by the end of this and got noticeably upset when one of the Z's wonderfully pleasant, qualified and valued employees accidentally decided to move my entire camera set up.) *Completely unrelated note: Fritzi is awesome, and I really do mean that.

Ok, so the goal here is to keep my hip angle constant or increasing. Decreasing hip angle = hips popping up = BAD. Some of these reps fall under than category but I think overall (and no, I really don't expect anyone to watch all 9 sets unless you're REALLY, REALLY bored) mission accomplished here.
1) 225x5
2) 275x3
3) 275x3
4) 275x3
5) 275x3
6) 275x3
7) 275x3
8) 275x3
9) 275x3

Hanging Windshield Wiper BWx12
Seated Russian Twist 25x22
Kneeling Cable Crunch 190x24
V-Up BWx24

1 comment:

  1. The only thing I can think of is bouncing off of the bottom, but you seem to be letting it reset completely, so it can't be that. Maybe you're not making yourself tight enough on the first rep? Sometimes it takes me one rep to fully prepare myself mentally...
