Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Shanker: 11/24 GVT3 Upper 1 Cycle 1

Jog 1/2 mile
Dynamic stretches
Flat BP 45x10; 45x10; 95x10; 115x10; 135x8; 155x6

Flat BP (2-3 min btwn sets)
1) 190x5
2) 190x5
3) 190x5
4) 190x4 (failed on 5)
5) 190x3 (failed on 4)
I dragged my dad to the gym to be my personal spotter and he has my handoff down pat, so these were as smooth as they can get. Notes: when I near failure, my right shoulder blade (only the right) loosens and moves slightly out. This needs to be fixed.

DB Row (2-3 min btwn sets)
1) 100x16
2) 100x16
3) 100x16
4) 100x16
5) 100x16
Should call these Kroc Rows...love them...need bigger dumbbells.

Standing Military (2-3 min btwn sets)
1) 100x5
2) 100x5
3) 100x5
4) 100x5
5) 100x5

Chinup (2-3 min btwn sets)

Horizontal Cable Chop 140x12x2
DB Side Bend 90x16

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