Sunday, September 27, 2009

Frank (9/27): Speed Day

Power Clean: 2@70, 80, 90, 3x2@100
These felt pretty light.

Speed Box Squat: 8x2@195
Pretty speedy. The first rep was a disaster (crashed down on the box), but the rest were fine.

Speed Bench: 8x3@155

Speedy. If I tuck properly, my elbow doesn't hurt.

Clapping Pullups: 5x5

I need to stop doing the clapping pullups, since they're a little hard on my elbows, which have enough problems as it is. When my elbows fully recover, I'm going to try doing muscle-ups again, because I can.


  1. please post video of clapping pullups. i'm imagining a missed rep and crashing to the ground.

  2. I haven't missed a rep yet, I assure you that when it does, you will never, ever hear about it.
