Saturday, September 19, 2009

Frank (9/19): Whatever

Nate still hasn't brought the RTS manual so I can see what all of the hullabaloo is about. Still, I kind of like what I'm doing now.

Back Squat: 5@135, 185, 3@225, 1@275, 315, 5@330
The work set was a little harder than I expected, and I might have been a little high on the last two, but I still got it.

Deadlift: 5@135, 225, 3@315, 1@405, 5@455
Slight rounding on the last rep. These did not feel as strong as they used to feel, but I haven't done heavy deadlifts in about a month (since the meet, really), so this is satisfactory for now.

Dumbbell Bench: 5@110, 2x8@100
OK, 110 feels much heavier than it used to. I used to be able to do a solid 8 on my first set at least.

Cable Row: 3x10@180
Nothing to report.

Pullups: 20
I was curious to see how many I could do. Interestingly, it felt like my rotator cuff (or rear delts) failed at around the 20th rep. I probably had a few more left in me, but I wimped out. I still don't know what my max would be if I were fresh, but I should probably spend less time goofing off at random lifts like this anyway.


  1. "Smolov didn't hurt my bench or deadlift." - Frank Wu

    "These did not feel as strong as they used to feel." - Frank Wu
    "OK, 110 feels much heavier than it used to." - Frank Wu

  2. Well, Frank squats 330x5 now, which should be good for 365x2 or even 3. I am surprised about this comeback, contrary to Frank, who is surprised that "The work set was a little harder than I expected"...What did you expect this to be - a walk in the park?
