Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Frank (2/29): RTS, Intensity 1, Deadlift

5x135, 5x225, 5x315, 3x365, 3x405, 1x455, 1x495, 1x545
1x585 @ 9
1x585 @ 10
1x585 @ 10
The first was pretty fast, but the bar drifted forward a little. The last two were pretty bad. I think my back rounded on both.

Yes: 2x10 @ 100
No: 2x10 @ 120
Ab Rollout: 2x5

I'll be doing my openers on Saturday then will take a light week next week before the meet on March 10. I think my openers will be something like 190/132.5/265. That's a little lower than I originally planned, especially for the squat, but it'll still put me in range for my second attempts, which will each be small meet PRs (207.5/140/290). Those are biggish jumps, but I've done similar jumps in training successfully.

Also, I measured the distance between the rings of the bars at the Z because I think that one reason my meet bench is so weak is that the distance between rings is different. At the Z, it's 32.5". I'll check this at the meet to make sure I place my hands correctly.

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