Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Frank (5/31): Sheiko CMS/MS Prep 1, Week 3, Day 4

(Power) Clean
2x70, 2x80, 2x90, 2x100, 2x105

Deficit Deadlift (Red)
3x315, 3x375, 3x375
3x405 @ 8
3x405 @ 8
3x405 @ 8
3x405 @ 8

10x45, 10x95
6x145, 6x175
6x185 @ 7
6x185 @ 7
6x185 @ 7
6x185 @ 7
6x185 @ 7

"Triceps" (Pushdown): 5x6 @ 70

Deadlift Off Boxes (Red + Blue)
4x375, 4x440, 4x440, 4x500, 4x500
4x535 @ 9-
4x535 @ 9-
4x535 @ 9-
4x535 @ 9-

Good Morning: 5x10 @ 135

Bleargh. Very long session. I'm exhausted! My original plan was to come in tomorrow to get back on schedule, but I might have to postpone until Thursday due to fatigue.

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