Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chris - 5/3/1 Cycle 4, Week B - BP/Deadlift

2/11 (Bench Press):
Bench Press:
45x5; 80x5; 95x5; 115x3
175x7 (F)
Failed on my chest when going for 8. I also noticed my wrist give a very noticeable pop when unracking. It doesn't hurt, though, as I type this a day later.

Military Press:
45x5; 65x5; 80x3
95x3; 105x3; 115x3

Bench Press (assistance):
I played around with grip here; I may do a little better with my pinkies just outside of the rings on the bar.

Dumbbell Rows (left and right):
30x5; 60x5; 95x15; 95x10

Dips: (unweighted):
15; 15

2/12 (Deadlift):
Deadlift (belted):
160x5; 205x5; 245x3

345x4; 315x4; 285x4; 260x4; 240x4; 225x4

Front Squat:
45x5; 95x4; 135x3; 165x3; 195x3; 215x3

Prowler Sprints:
+0x2; +50x3; +95x3

Prowler Walks:
Low-bar trip took three separate tries...

Post-workout meal:
Super Burrito from Anna's x1 (PR)

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