Tuesday, December 21, 2010


This past week was sort of freaky b/c of finals and stuff, so it was a pseudo deload. But then you always have Chris being a bastard and PRing with 4 hrs of sleep every night, so I don't really have an excuse.

2-board Bench Press: 185lbs x1, 225lbs x3
Belted Push Jerk: 185lbs x3
Dips: +45lbs x6, x8
Thumbless BB curl: 80lbs x5, 90lbs x5
1.5" reverse EZ curl: 60lbs x8, 90lbs x3
rotator cuff stuff

Deficit Deads: 365lbs x1, 405lbs x1, 455lbs x1rep x2 sets
Front squats: bar x10, 95lbs x10, 135lbs x10
DB rows: 110lbs x6 reps x2 sets
Pull-ups/chin-ups/neutral grip chins: 6,7,5

2-board bench press: 225lbs x3, x4
Belted Push Jerk: 185lbs x1, 205lbs x1
DB Bench: 160lbs x5, 120lbs x10
BB curls: 70lbs x5, 95lbs x3, 70lbs x5
reverse curls: 70lbs x5 x2-3ish
rotator cuff stuff

Belted Low Bar Squat: 365lbs x1 rep x5 sets
Front Squats: 135lbs x10 reps x2 sets
DB rows: 110lbs x6, x10
Pull-ups: 7, 8, 10

A lot of this is probably a PR, or at least some stuff I've never done before, like maxing push jerks. I lifted 4x this past week.


  1. DB benches should be labeled with the weight of the single DB, not the sum.

    Other than that, I'd just ask for a general refresher on what it is you're doing, what your goal is and how you plan on getting there over the next couple of months.

  2. This. I don't see much of a system behind what you're doing right now.

  3. The rep/set scheme is a bit different than what I used to do, but I'm going to try something different. Its just a 4x/week high frequency/high intensity low volume.

    the main lifts are supposed to be something like 1x3 1x10, or 3x3 1x10. I'll probably just do a 3x3, and let my 2x10 front squat take care of the volume. The push jerk is working up to a daily max, then some back off sets. the rest is assistance. Curls are there for my wrists/grip. the assistance will be something like 3x6-8.

    My goal is just to get stronger, then bigger.

    I've also stayed injury free this year and want to keep it that way. This actually is due to Frank, who said "you can get a lot stronger if you stay injury free." What I interpreted that to mean is "don't do stupid things or push too hard when you don't need to."

    Hopefully I'll compete with you guys too.
