Monday, November 8, 2010

Updates to Blog

I enabled the new/updated post editor, and the 'email this post to your friends' button. If people don't like these I think other admins can disable those features.

Also, if people decide to do the AdSense thing, that is pretty easy to set up, but we'd need to decide on matters like where the bank account lives, etc.


  1. HOORAY! Dee to the rescue. I actually totally forgot that she was an admin.

    Given the amount of interest in a common fund and the apparent need for the undergrads to fund their meets, I say we go ahead with the AdSense thing and set up the bank account under Dee's name (assuming she's willing). This has a number things going for it:

    1) Dee works at an internet marketing firm, so she knows how all this stuff works.
    2) Dee is going out with Nate, so in a sense, the blog is right back where it started (assuming they don't have a big falling out, but they seem to be doing just fine so far :).
    3) Dee is a girl.

    We still have to figure out how to allocate the funds once the pennies start dribbling in. I propose just splitting whatever's in the account equally across all the undergrads competing and depleting it every meet, unless someone has a better idea.

  2. Oh, rationale for MIT undergrads only is that (1) they are poor, (2) they don't have stipends, and (3) they don't have significant jobs/incomes. Anything else strikes me as being a little too subjective and risks open warfare between the members of this blog.

    I'm open to expanding this to including grad students also, but I think it should end there.

  3. In my opinion, the fund should be used to fund things in the following order:

    - Any person's first meet (regardless of who they are). Use the honor system to waive this help if you don't need it, but this should encourage people to compete.

    - Meet funds for people on a need basis (ie, undergrads). Although personally I had more money as an undergrad (thanks Mom and Dad!) than I do now, so this doesn't completely jive with me.

    - Shared equipment if there isn't any other pressing need.

    We don't need to be all formal about this. None of us are going to Bernie Madoff the small MIT Strength Blog fund.

  4. I propose Dee and Nate sign a prenuptial agreement now in order to protect the integrity of the MIT Strength blog hedge fund. Further, I assume Dee and Nate will be willing to submit to periodic random audits of their personal finances. We also need to elect a board of governors based on who has the most promising platform with regard to a diverse, growth focused investment plan.

  5. Why don't we officially name our scattered (but strongly held together by the power if the internet) team to: Legion Strength, in honor of my awesome response.

  6. Good. We've set the bylaws, now it'll only take 3 years to generate enough money to make them applicable.

    Also, I demand clawbacks...

  7. And given the present ZIRP, our $1.25 per month should be able to cover a pair of DL socks by the end of the year...ok, who amongst us is a bleeder?

  8. And thanks to QEII by the time next Christmas rolls around the 15 bucks in our account will be able to purchase exactly 1 clif bar. Who's hungry?

  9. I know! Buy gold, we can get exactly 1/1000th of an ounce!

  10. Ok, it sounds like a positive response for the ads, so I'll move forward with that.

    Things to help with bringing in traffic:
    - i created @mitstrength on twitter. We could auto-tweet links to new posts on the blog, on a volunteer-basis. This would probably make labels more important.
    - I created This will be the google account for adsense.

    Also working on a facebook page.

    ALSO. We may be able to wrangle some money out of MIT if we become an official ASA group. There are many groups that get some money each term that are comprised of current students, alums, and affiliates (however tenuous) so I'm going to investigate what this would involve.
