Friday, November 5, 2010

Shanker 5/3/1 Week 1

Didn't really do a whole deload week, just took 4 days off and did nothing/slept/ate. But due to this week being chaotic as all hell the first "week" of the new cycle has taken something like 9 days, so there ya go.

As "assistance" I have started "pyramiding" down, just to get some more volume in at a higher intensity. (For those who don't know I was doing "Boring But Big" which is 5 sets of 10 at 40-50%). For instance on Squat day after hitting 290x9, I proceeded to do 290x5, 275x5, 255x5, 225x5. I did this for BP as well. Of course this is in addition to the other supplementary work I do, all in all probably 15 sets not in including warmups. Not sure how people feel about this.

135x7 (8th rep was cheated)
100 dips in 4 sets, new goal is 125 dips in 5 sets.

Deadlift (always have videos for DL)
425x9 (not counting #10 as it was clearly hitched. No, I didn't realize it was that ugly at the time, otherwise wouldn't have attempted to actually lock it out).
Mid shin pulls, sets of 5 up to 455, which was surprisingly easy.


More DB rows at 160.

Side rant about this Diet thing:
There is ONE way and only ONE way to lose fat. Through discipline. Beyond understanding basic nutrition there are no secrets and anyone looking for it is just looking for the easy way out (not directed at JC). It's like anything else you do in this damn life, its just trial and error, figure out what works for you, but realize that just because it works for you doesn't imply it will necessarily work for everyone else.  There are some of us who are damn lean for powerlifters, we all have our different reasons for being this way and we all got here different ways, with ONE goddamn exception. We have discipline. Nothing in life worth having ever came easy, so if you want something, make it a priority and figure it out for yourself.


  1. -- If you want to get more squat volume, then maybe 3-4 more fives at around 72%-74%. This is still meaningful work. Remark: 72% here is out of your true (estimated) 1RM, not the adjusted one.

    -- Rep 10 came off the floor very fast, but it looks like you just stopped pulling half way up. But anyway, 425 seems like paper weights.
