Thursday, November 4, 2010


Guys, I hope this is still within the context of this blog, but I'd like to hear people's personal opinions of using creatine. From what I've read there are virtually no side effects except for some water retention in the muscle, and it supposedly increases muscle endurance quite a bit, making long hard workouts more tolerable, which is proving to be taxing during Sheiko. Ok, go.



  1. Used to take it religiously. Stopped during the summer because I'd run out of mone;, never looked back. You don't really need anything except food. Maybe if I hit a plateau I'll consider going on some creatine and beta-alanine or something like that.

  2. Took it for a while (capsules, not powder), and at the time I felt it helped me (regarding workout volume). Then again, it could just be a placebo effect, and also, I had just started lifting, so any gains I made could have been newb gains. If I were to start taking it again, I'd keep a good log of it, and compare gains to before taking it to after taking it, for a sustained period of time that is.

  3. Jon -- If your training, eating, resting, ... are all good, then adding creatine (or any other supplement) to the mix is not going to have noticeable effects. And if your training, ... are not good, nothing will help anyway.

  4. My friend Jake (olympic lifter) said it best: "If it works, it's banned." *

    * - Not counting food and steady training.

  5. I thought that creatine was the one supplement that people thought really worked.

    I've never actually taken creatine, though, so that's my only $0.02.
