Saturday, November 13, 2010

Chris - 11/13

5/3/1, Wave C, Deadlift

Deadlift (belted):
Warmup: 140x5; 175x5; 210x3
I think my deadlift is firmly ahead of my squat now.

Deadlift (unbelted, assistance):
192x10; 192x10; 192x10; 192x10; 192x10
Hook grip started to hurt too much to hold during third set. I've got a few splits on the insides of some of my finger joints though, which could explain a lot.

Good Mornings:
45x5; 70x5; 95x5; 120x5; 135x3
145x10; 145x10; 145x10; 145x10; 145x10
Not easy.

So, Wendler's Progress-o-meter Equation yields the following PRs for this cycle:
Squat: 413 (310x10)
Bench: 212 (155x11)
Deadlift: 465 (310x15)
For an I-wish-I-were-this-strong total of 1090. I think I need to wait a few cycles for any accurate indication of my real maxes, though, since I seem to perform a lot worse rep-wise as the weight climbs.


  1. Nice total Chris. I feel even more pressure to get stronger. About the hook grip, you probably can use dbl overhand for the assistance, have you tried? And if you're not using chalk, try using some. Put some in a ziploc or tupperware container. If you need any, I have quite a bit, and a block lasts a long time.

  2. Very nice! Hitting 11 reps on a 5/3/1 day is pretty crazy. How did you do last time you tried to 1RM?

    When do you usually train? Can I have some chalk? Thanks.

  3. @Wuqiong: I think pretty much everyone on this blog has chalk, so just nab any one of us while we're around. You should really just get your own block, though, since it's much more convenient, and it costs ~$1.

  4. Oh, and awesome total, Chris. There's nothing quite like having a bunch of young whippersnappers closing in on your total. I think it's appalling how quickly you guys were able to squat 405 compared to how long I struggled with that. It's just not fair :(.

  5. I train MWF around 2pm mostly. I'm the dark-skinned messican guy with a tattoo on his right arm.

  6. Thanks guys!

    @Q: I hit a 1RM of 405 unbelted back in the middle of summer. I never tested a 1RM belted, though I did manage to get something like 395x3 followed by 405x1 in the same session one September day.

    @Frank: I don't own chalk D: Though the rust on the barbells that I use works just as well, I think.

  7. And also @Aaron: I used double overhand when the hook grip failed. The weights were fairly easy to handle regardless, so I'm not too worried.
