Sunday, November 14, 2010

Aaron (11/12)

Bench: 230lbs x3, 235lbs x3 reps x2 sets
DB Rows: 120lbs x3 reps x3 sets
Close Grip Paused bench: 190lbs x5 reps x2 sets, 190lbs x3 reps
DB Rows: 100lbs x5 reps x3 sets
rotator cuff/lateral raises
Weight is a 204lbs.

Bench was okay, CGPB hurt my shoulders a bit. Experimented with new bench technique with more leg drive.


  1. How close are your hands on close-grip presses? Some people's grip on these is just too close. Anything narrower than arms going straight up is too narrow in my opinion. Also, even if your grip width is ok, it is still worth checking whether a 1- or 2-board make it easier on your shoulders.

  2. My hands are actually just a little closer than pinkies on the rings. Its a little weird because supposedly a closer grip is supposed to be easier on your shoulders (not counting the ridiculous grip 2 inches apart). I'll definitely check out the board presses.
