Friday, November 5, 2010

Aaron (11/5)

Belted Deadlift: 410lbs x5 reps x3 sets @9
Lunges: 95lbs x6, 135lbs x7 @8
2 hand pinch grip: +30lbs x20s x2 sets, x15s
Ab rollouts: half standing 9,8, more ROM but still half standing: 5, paused from knees 4

My grip gave out in the deadlifts, will need straps for next time. Lunges gave me the same pain, even the split squats. Will have to address this. Plate pinches were great. Ab rollouts were good too. Wasn't feeling too good, ate a lot, took naps, got motivated, had a great session. Turns out it was all in my head.

Weight is 204lbs-206lbs. A little fat, but who really cares? I'm in the 100kg class now. I think I might have some sort of I'm-too-skinny disorder. Oh well.

Motivational quote: In this life, you have to take what you want.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on the pulls! I'm going to assume you weren't using mixed grip (because you didn't last time), so why use straps instead of mixed?

    What kind of pain with the lunges? Lunges used to give me some issues with my knees.

    And naps really are magical. I had one today =P
