Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Aaron (11/10)

Pull-ups: 16
Belted Oly squat: 325lbs x5 reps x3 sets
2 handed plate pinches: +35lbs x20s x3 sets
assisted GHRs: 9,6,5
ab roll-outs: (half standing) 9,5,3 (from knees with a pause) 3
forgot rotator cuff stuff

Squats were ugly. I don't want to talk about the pull-ups. I need to eat more and think less. Vid to come in a couple of days.


  1. What's the difference between Oly and regular squats. I looked up a few videos and can't really see much difference.

  2. To my knowledge, an Olympic squat is a high-bar, medium-narrow stance squat, done at full depth, that is, ATG. Think of the bottom position of the clean/snatch to get an idea of how deep.

  3. I went to the Z center, the rusty plates were too intimidating in the basement. I also can't count by anything other than multiples of 45.

    @Q, Oly squats are usually high-bar squats, sometimes done with a closer than normal stance. Regular squats in our context are low-bar squats. They help you lift more weight, and are supposedly more glute/ham oriented than oly squats, which tend to have more quad work.

    The reason I'm doing them is because since you can handle less weight, they are a little bit less intense on my body, and because I found that when my high-bar squat increased, so did my low-bar. I'm just doing them as a variation right now, I might switch back to low bar, but right now I'm progressing just fine on high bar.
