Friday, October 8, 2010

Aaron (10/8)

Bench Press: 230lbs x3 reps x3 sets
Ab roll-outs: 5 (half standing), 5 (half standing), 9 (knees)
Overhead Press: 135lbs x5 reps x2 sets, 140lbs x5 reps
Paused Lateral Raises: 15lb DBs x8 reps x2 sets, 15lb DBs x10 reps
rotator cuff stuff

Still feeling Wednesdays grip session. Got good sleep last night but not the night before, wasn't expecting such a good session. I was supposed to do 220lbs x3x3, but I got the weights mixed up since I didn't use two 45lb plates per side. I was wondering why it felt so hard. First was without a lift off, second and third were with one. Lift off makes a big difference, lift off is good. Warm-up for bench was a lot smarter than last time, 2 sets of bar, 5 with 95lbs, 3 with 135, 2 with 185, and then train. I'm making smaller jumps, but less volume. Jump guidelines were 30-50lbs. Seems to work well.

Ab roll-outs are hard to gauge progress-wise, but my stomach felt like tearing itself apart, so I think I did a good job. I'm just going to get used to the movement right now and as long as I push myself a little bit each time I figure thats progress enough.

Overhead press was also better than I expected. I didn't want to look like a douche who only shoots for plates so I added 5lbs on the last set. First set was with a wider grip than normal until I realized I was using a different bar than usual. Consequent sets were normal grip. This was done with no warmup. During bench warm up I was showing the difference between a jerk and a press to a guy, so to show off I strict repped 135. It was fine, so I decided on no warmup for OP or very minimal warm up. At least after bench.

Paused lateral raises were fine.

Getting my bench up there. Goal of repping 225lbs was sort of met. Weight is a fat 203ish. Can no longer see any abs. I'm going on the warrior diet massing version as soon as I buy food. I seem to lose weight quickly when I eat clean (meat and veggies), so I think the massing WD will be a nice recomp for me.

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