Thursday, October 7, 2010

10/07 Shanker 5/3/1 Deadlift Week 1


(belted, link to vid)
I don't think very many people at MIT can DL 400+ for double digit reps, so I'm gonna consider this a moderate accomplishment.

Deficit DL

Leg Press
3 plates x 10
3 plates x 10
3 plates x 10


  1. While the deadlifts were "like butter baby..." I think the greater accomplishments are having your own videographer, and a "personal record" sweatshirt. I would like to live in "Shankerland" some day...

  2. -- 410 x 10 is nice, regardless of what other people at MIT can or cannot do. However, I think that if you are working for reps, it's more legit to pull continuously, without stepping back and setting up again.

    -- Is this supposed to be the week of 5-s in 5-3-1, because it looks like you're hitting too many reps. Don't know if this is a problem or not. The reason could be the 90% adjustment when you compute the "training max". Unlike drug-assisted lifters, there are very few fluctuations in your strength levels, and what you may be lifting in a meet could be duplicated essentially anytime (I'm not being very accurate here, but you get the point).

  3. I believe this is the general aim of the first week, it's easy enough to set some Rep PR's and the initial training max is deliberately made conservative by the 90% adjustment to set up an environment for sustained progress. I don't think the 90% adjustment is made for reasons pertaining to peaking.

    The reps are high, yes, but they should come down over time.

    The one important thing in assessing relative strength over the course of 5/3/1 is the use of Wendler's 1 RM approximation. I find that this is far more accurate than Tuchsherer's RPE chart, which is horribly inaccurate for anything more than 4 reps. In this case, according MT my 1RM should be close to 620, Wendler on the other hand has it around 540, which is certainly much closer to the truth.
