Monday, September 20, 2010

JC (09/20)

Yes, I attempted 400 3 times, and failed 3 times. Couple of things: 1) I get nervous/lack confidence right before I attempt to break a PR. 2) I go REALLY LOW (as in, my ankles touch my thighs) using a high bar set up- I get stuck in the hole, big time. 3) I suck. I think I've been doing some kind of intensity work for about 6 weeks now- considering the above results, its probably time to change something. I think the singles method can work, but only with proper guidance- perhaps sometime in the future when I don't suck so much and have a coach I will do it again.

I really liked my previous volume cycle aka RSP. I'd like to give it a shot again starting next week. I'm thinking an upper/lower split, 3 days for squatting and other leg work, and 3 days for upper body and abs, with Sundays off. I'd only be doing RSP for squatting, so I'm thinking I'll deadlift and bench twice per week, maybe Monday/Friday and Tuesday/Saturday respectively. Exercises that I also want to give some priority to are military presses and push presses, although I'm not sure how to program those in.

My current lifts are at:
Squat- 385
Bench- 340
Deadlift- 405 (Tried this weight last Friday, and came up relatively easy- obviously have not trained this lift) Total- 1130
Military press- 210
Push press- 230

I'd really appreciate any suggestions/comments for the training program I'm starting next Monday. Remainder of week will be prepping/deloading for next week.


  1. Care to give a little more detail? Things like: set/rep schemes, which days you're doing which exercises and in what order, the load you'll be doing for each exercise, and so on. One of the best ways to get good help is to make it easy for the helper!

    Also, if I'm not mistaken, I think your total has gone up ~100lbs in the past year. That's actually pretty decent, but I'm sure you can do better :).

  2. I'm sure I can do better too. So Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are dedicated to RSP- I'll be using 315 for my squat weight initially, and the set/rep scheme starts off with 6x2, and the number of reps increases by one every other workout for the first 3 weeks. I want to deadlift on Mondays and Fridays. Upper body days will be Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I'm thinking I might do a volume day (5x5 or something of the sort) and an intensity day (triples, doubles and few singles) for deadlift and bench.
    Mondays, Wed, Fridays- Squat, Deadlift(only Mon/Fri), Abs
    Tuesday, Thursday, Sat- Military Press/Push press (maybe alternate every workout?), Bench (Tuesday/Saturday), Assistance work every workout (dips, pullups, other bodybuilding stuff).
    What do you think Frank?

  3. JC -- Like Frank said, more details can help, but what can be even more helpful is organizing all info in a readable way (like in Frank's previous post). Anyway, I'm strongly against lifting 5-6 days per week, mainly because it's not doable because of real-life considerations.

  4. I agree with Danny, though you are taking a semester off, so if all you do is eat, sleep, and lift, it might work. Also, yes, please write your workout in a more readable format. Trying to figure out what goes on which day is making my head hurt...
