Sunday, September 5, 2010

Frank: Ancient History (Summer 2005)

There are a couple un-named text files sitting around in my personal "training" folder (which generally contains articles I find useful, my food log, various e-books, etc.). When I opened them up, it turned out that they contained my logs from right after I graduated college in 2005. Here are some highlights.

Squat: 5, 3, 3, 4, 3 @ 225
Wow. My squats have always sucked.
Bench: 5, 4, 4, 2, 2 @ 205
Yes, my bench was almost equal to my squat. I was a bench and curl monkey for a long time.
Deadlift: 5x5 @ 300
I had apparently just barely gotten these, since it looked like I had failed the previous training session (5, 5, 5, 4, 4).
Press: 5, 5, 5, 4, 3 @ 135
Yeesh, I guess my shoulders have always been pretty strong.
Pullup: 5, 4, 4, 4, 3 @ 65
I have gotten no stronger on pullups, really. I guess I'm fatter, which means I must be a little stronger in absolute terms.
Dip: 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 @ 60
Eh, some improvement.

I'm guessing I was going for 5x5 across, since I distinctly remember doing a regular-old 5x5 straight weight across for a long time. Looking at my whole log, I seem to have failed most of my sets. Wow. I estimate that my Big 3 total back then was ~900.

Lessons to be learned? Well, for one thing, I was WEAK when I was 22. Pretty much all of you would have been able to kick my butt back then, and most of you have at least two years before you graduate. Stick with it, and by the time you're an old fart like me, you're certain to be really strong.

EDIT: Heh, I was also probably much like the people that you guys laugh at, so who knows, some people do learn...


  1. I like this post. A year ago my 1 RM maxes were
    Squat: 245
    BP: 205
    DL: 365

    I think everyone should comment with theirs when they "started" powerlifting.

  2. This was still before I started powerlifting. When I really started powerlifting (i.e. got bullied into it by Danny and Nate) about a year and a half ago, I probably had a ~1075 total or so (350/275/450).

  3. When I started back in May '08:
    Squat: BAR
    Bench: BAR
    Deadlift: BAR

    10/16/08, SS sets:
    Squat: 155 (est. max 175)
    Bench: 85 (est. max 100)
    Dead: 135 (est. max 150)

    9/12/09, SS sets:
    Squat: 225 (est. max 260)
    Bench: 120 (est. max 140)
    Deadlift: 285 (est. max 320)

    My bench was always pretty weak.

  4. Before I started with UCLA powerlifting folks ...

    Squat: 405 (box squat, technically, maybe a little high)

    Bench: 255

    Deadlift: 470

    Total: 1130

    It took me 2 years to get to 1310 from there. Fuck you, Frank.

  5. For me, there is no distinct moment in time where I officially started powerlifting. However, in some notes from high-school (16/17 years old), it's written:
    -- Squat: 130kg x 5
    -- Bench press: 80kg x 10
    -- Deadlift: 150kg x 5
    This was done without a belt, at a bodyweight of roughly 100kg. So I was relatively massive, but definitely weak.

  6. I started lifting approximately 1 year ago (give or take 1 week).My lifts were: Bench- 275, Squat-225(approximate), Deadlift- 315, and military press-155. I'm currently at Bench-340, Squat-375, Deadlift- 405, and Military press- 210. My hope is that I still have some more in me when it comes to squat and deadlift before I start next volume cycle.

  7. I started a year and a half ago. When I found you guys I was four months in. I had lifted since I was 11, but never real.

    Squat: never squatted
    Bench: 125lbs x8
    Deadlift: never deadlifted

    After 4 months with a trainer (when I met you guys)
    Squat (high): 315lbs
    Bench: 190lbs
    Deadlift: 330lbs

    We know why those lifts haven't improved much(hint: MMA), but I'm working on it.
