Sunday, September 12, 2010

Frank (9/12): Lockout, Intensity 2

Reverse Band Bench (30-80)
5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 1x315
2x335 @ 9/10
My elbows are killing me.

Close-Grip Bench
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 3x185, 1x225
2x255 @ 9/10
My elbows are killing me.

Pullups: 4x8 @ 45
Dips: 4x8 @ 65

If my elbows don't get better after a few days of rest, it looks like I'll probably owe Nate $10. I'll try pumping myself full of ibuprofen before testing my maxes.


  1. Thats some huge Brad Pitts you got going there! Hint: BP

  2. Are you competing against Nate this week? What is the bet? Anyway, don't bet against him on squats, because I've seen him smoking 470 (or 460, not sure) last year. Actually, I redlighted him for going too much below legal depth :)

  3. @Aaron: I have to admit that I don't quite get the source of that joke, but thanks :).

    @Danny: Nathan bet that I wouldn't be able to beat his meet PRs this cycle (305 bench, 460 squat). After doing 3x280 and 3x420 I thought I was at least in the ballpark, which is why I made the bet. I figure I just need to do 305+clips or 460+clips.

  4. According to meet rules, you need to break a record by at least 1kg.

  5. Regardless of what the scale shows, a clip weighs 0 kgs :) I think that since you all lift in lbs, even breaking the record by 1lbs is fine.

  6. It doesn't really matter how many #'s he needs to break it by --- I will be $10 richer no matter what.

  7. What day are you doing this again, Frank?

  8. I was originally going to do bench on Thursday and squat and deadlift on Saturday (following my normal schedule), but now that I think about it, I think I'm going to simulate a meet and do a light Tuesday, skip Thursday, and do all three on Saturday. I am training for powerlifting meets after all.

  9. This also gives my elbows some time to heal. I've had this problem around meets before (both of the AAU ones), and a week off seems to do the trick.
