Saturday, September 11, 2010

Frank (9/11): Deadlift, Intensity 2

Back Squat
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315, 1x365, 1x405
Fx435 Uh oh. It looks like I'm going to owe Nate at least $5 next week...
2x420 @ 10
My plan was to try 405, and if it felt easy, attempt 3x435 (5x5 weight +60), and if it felt hard, attempt 2x420. 405 felt OK, but I failed 435 miserably anyway. Nuts.

5x135, 5x225, 3x315, 3x365, 3x405, 1x455, 1x495, 1x545
2x565 @ 9/10
Tougher than expected. I guess the second week of intensity is always hard.

Front Squat: 4x8 @ 215
Ab Pulldown: 3x15 @ 190

EDIT: I should also probably note that I slept from 6 to 12 last night for no good reason except that I couldn't fall asleep, not that it excuses my squat failure, but blegh anyway.

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