Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Overhead Press: 155lbs x4, 155lbs x0, x0, 135lbs x1, 95lbs x5reps x2 sets
Belted Deadlifts: 365lbs x5 reps, 375lbs x5 reps, 385lbs x5 reps
Pull-ups +25lbs x5reps x3 sets
Rotator cuff + little bit of grip

Not a lot of sleep, tired. New plan will be to lift 2-3x a week and some conditioning. Life is getting a hold of me, job searching, school ending. Lots of work. Not a lot of food. I can survive 6 hours of sleep a night for 4 nights, and on the 5th day my brain shuts down. I had to have coffee to keep on thinking. I don't like coffee.


Overhead Press: 145lbs x3, 155lbs x3, 160lbs x3 (PR all across)
Belted Oly Squat: 315lbs x3reps x3 sets (PR for belted Oly squat)
Pull-ups: 55lbs x3 reps x3 sets (PR for pull-ups)
Unbelted Thick Handled Deadlifts: 255lbs x5 reps x3 sets (probably a PR)
rotator cuff work

Presses were easy until the 160lbs. That was sort of a grinder. Maybe had half a rep left. Squats were a bit hard. I'd say a RPE@9. Weird, but whatever. It might be time to change the main exercises. Pull-ups were fine. I thought that the lack of volume would make the exercises not as effective. Well my lats are sort of sore hours afterward so I think it isn't a problem.Slowly moving my grip out. I think I need to do wide grip pulls for my lats, but every time I try my shoulder hurts. I think I might not have the strength for a wide grip pull up. So, I'm going to slowly move my grip out. Maybe cheat for a few to get the feel back. Thick handled deads were okay. The bar was hollow and made a loud noise as I put it down so I decided to be more careful. My lower back got a pump. I think its good that I'm doing the negative portion of the deadlift now. Grip was decent.

I'm doing a 3x3 on everything because I haven't really done triples since last year and said "f**k it, why not?" That includes 3x3 on pull-ups. New plan is




I figure the increased frequency makes up for the lack of volume. School is screwing up everything. I've been working since I woke up at 8:30am. Diet is crap, just had a snickers. I'm going to think of my remaining college years as a 2 year bulk. I'll have a year of recomp when I get out of here and actually make some money for better food and maybe some supplements.

I've seen what 275lbs at 6'2'' is looks like, and although I'm only 6', I think I can hit 250lbs eventually.

Also, I've reached my goal of repping 315lbs on squat. Next goal...dunno. I'm too busy right now to pay adequate attention. I don't mean OCD, I just mean to set some goals. Here are some makeshift ones for now: 160lbs 3x3 OP, 320lbs 3x3 squat, 390lbs 3x5 deadlift, 225lbs 3x3 bench, 185lbs 3x3 Overhead press. I don't know...

Also, I wanted to do the NY strongman comp, but I'm afraid of the push pressing. I haven't really concentrated on push pressing/jerking, so I'm going to try to add that in to be better prepared. I also want to do a pl meet soon.


  1. Oct. 9th, sign up is Oct. 2nd. I'm thinking maybe I'll do one during January or Feb. That way I can go to TPS and practice the events. Or I can bet my push press up to 220 in 10 days
