Wednesday, September 8, 2010

09/08 Shanker GVT Lower 1

Back to good old GVT, originally discussed doing 5x5 with Danny, however this was under the assumption that I was very burnt out, the last week has been quite rejuvenating and my prowler and hill sprints this weekend indicated that I am in much better condition than I previously thought. So...I figure lets get back to timed sets and hardcore volume, making sure to monitor RPE's very carefully, all sets @9 or less (i.e. at least 1 rep left in the tank the whole time).

This is exactly what I did here, first 5 sets done with 90 seconds between sets, 5-8 minute break then 2-4 minute breaks between sets for the rest. Only the last 3 sets were @9, everything else very manageable.


(short break)

Rack Pulls (again, no longer than 3 minutes between sets, these were easy)

core work.
lots and lots of stretching.


  1. If the last three were @ 9, why did you fail to complete them? Did you stop one rep short of failure?

  2. I may be using some humor here, but what happened in your mind is the following:
    1. Estimated 1RM is 350 (based on 315x3). Not a pussy, so will plan for RPE 9 for 5 reps, which is 350 * 0.77 = 269.5. When in doubt, always round up, so 275.
    2. First set was super easy (maybe due to not lifting for a week; no, this couldn't be), so will use short rest periods: 90 is optimal, even Ronnie says so.
    3. I'm done with 5 sets, and still feel energetic. No cramps, no nausea, and no nose bleeds. Definitely need 5 more sets.

    To cut a long story short:
    -- I suggest to stick with the original plan. 50 working reps in one workout is a huge amount of volume, so there is no need to bump this to 75.
    -- If 275 still feels light after 2-3 sets, you can increase the weight by 3-5%.

  3. Ok, to be clear, this wasn't an audible at the line of scrimmage (football's back), this was something I decided to go with after doing my conditioning over the weekened and deciding to quit whining about aches and pains and making excuses.

    But, I shall address your concerns 1 by 1.
    1)In the week prior to the meet I actually hit 345x3 @ 10 and more recently hit 315x4 @8, so a 275 lb set is actually right in the ballpark of where I want to be, its not just rounding up.

    2)The goal of 10 sets was not set because 275 felt really easy, it's a way of forcing myself to keep the intensity down. I know myself, I lift one way and one way only...all out. With 5 sets, in a matter of weeks I will be pushing myself for 85% sets of 5...for me,my bodytype, my tendencies this is not good. 10 sets forces me to keep the intensity down while still allowing my slightly mental lifting attitude which is the main reason I'm here in the first place.

    3) 90 seconds is the interval of rest prescribed by Poliquin, wasn't chosen randomly or because of Coleman.

    4) I'm monitoring my RPE's which I never consciously done before. If, in set 7, I hit 5 reps @ 10, I will stop.

    5) In reality this is not very different from the plan we originally discussed, its just got 5 more sets and given my apparent level of conditioning (much to my surprise) I think I can handle it.

    6) These 10 sets are just applied to lower body days.

    7) Probably most importantly, I'm not going into this blind...I've done this before, I've made gains this way before. Even if the worst possible scenario plays ends up looking exactly like the 5 set plan we laid out before.

  4. Shanker, I think part of the discipline is not lifting all out all the time. If we do that, we aren't really that different from normal gym rats. I sure as hell could have handled more weight on my sessions previously, and even now, but I sticked to the 5lbs a session and its paying off now with somewhat easy work sets and PRs.

  5. @Aaron- Just food for thought: What about the lifters at Average Broz gym in Las Vegas? These guys squat heavy everyday, (they're Oly lifters, but still). And they make some sick gains.

  6. Since I am a child of the interwebs, I have indeed heard of these Brothers of the Average variety. I can only speculate that it is supplements and genetics. Check out a blog called Chaos and Pain. The dude had some different ideas (both good and bad) until I found out he was "on."

  7. I don't understand how "lifting mentality" (or whatever) is related to following a given plan. For instance, if it's written: "5x5 at 74% 74% 74% 77% 77% of estimated 1RM", then with mentality X the lifter follows this plan, and with mentality Y he doesn't? I think this is more related to being confidence that the plan will actually work.
