Thursday, September 9, 2010

Aaron (9/8)

Overhead Press: 145lbs x5 reps x3 sets
Bench: 225lbs x1rep
Decline sit-ups: 50lbs x12reps x3 sets
Rotator cuff work

Good session. Deload week now. Last set of press was a real grinder, it was difficult. All but the first set had a sticking point. Triceps were fried so I just tried a single for bench to get my confidence up.

Did something extremely stupid today. It was Justins speed day and he loaded 275lbs. I decided to screw around and I sumo deadlifted it once without any warmup and never having sumo deadlifted before. I'm glad I didn't tweak my back. Never again.

Didn't shrug the OP, damnit.

The more I think about it, the more I want to compete in a strongman contest. A couple of guys I know competed cold, never having competed before.

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