Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This came up in conversation today at the Z. I like having standards to aim for since they are hard numbers that you can use to gauge your own strength. They're also good for setting goals.

Russian Classification System

Raw Powerlifting Standards

Rippetoe's Standards


  1. I looked at these tables, with some focus on the heavier weight classes. Under the assumption that we are talking about world-class strength ...
    -- Rippetoe seems to be aiming low.
    -- The raw powerlifting table is somewhere in between.
    -- The second column (MS) in the Russian table looks like a good definition for elite lifting.
    -- The first column (MSIC) doesn't seem to be realistic for amateur (meaning drug-free) lifters, and it's a HUGE accomplishment even if someone is a pro.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Long term goals for me are CMS or MS in the 100kg or or 110kg class. Short term (within a calendar year) is hit advanced/elite on Rippetoes. Even shorter term is to lift with you guys.
