Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Aaron (8/17)

High Bar Belted Squat: 295lbs x5 reps x3 sets
Power Snatches: worked up to 60kg x3 reps x2 sets
Pendlay rows: 175lbs x6 reps, 185lbs x8 reps, 175lbls x8 reps
Thick Bar Holds: 185lbs +bar x15s x3 sets
thumbless BB curls: 70lbs x8 reps x3 sets
spinal decompression stuff + rotator cuff

Squats were kind of easy...ish. I'm done with snatches and stuff, they are hard. I'm going to do guetto GHRs instead. Rows were supposed to be done with a pause, but they were hard, so I said "screw it, momentum time". Well, next time I'm going with a pause again, and almost definitely lower the weight. I feel in this case quality will get me stronger faster than cheating it. curls were fine, I'll probably just add reps on the last set next time. Good session, no coffee. Afterwards I did quite a bit of walking and mechanic stuff working at the shop, including deadlifting our car (go cart like) and trying to row it with one hand while shoving a crate on the bottom to be able to take off the wheels. I almost tweaked my back.

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