Friday, August 20, 2010

JC (08/20)- RSP Day 18

Last day of RSP!

Back squat-
45x8, 135x5, 225x3, 275x2, 315x1, 335x1
Work set-
365x1 (10lb PR)
Didn't feel that bad.
375- 2x1 Fail
Failed both attempts, was pretty close :(

Bench press-
45x8, 135x5, 225x3, 275x1, 315x1
Work set-
335x1 (10lb PR)
345x1 Fail
340x1 (15lb PR)
Felt happy to get another PR after the failed attempt. Only managed to take video of 335 attempt.

Weighted dips-
1 platex8
2 platesx8
2 plates+25x5
3 platesx3

Skull Crushers-
100lbs- 5x5
These were tough on triceps.

Tricep extensions-
25lbs- 3x5
My tris were really fatigued by this point.

I am pretty content with the results of this cycle. I need to figure out how I'm going to plan my next cycle. I plan on adding deadlifts and hopefully Oly lifts. I'm thinking about continuing with RSP for squat and bench. Ideas?


  1. Nice PRs!!! If you're taking videos of your lifts, it's usually (but not always) preferable to use a side camera (instead of from back or front). Making technical corrections is easier that way. Anyway, in BP it looks like you're just lying on the bench. Ask the MIT lifters about BP setup, but in the meanwhile:

  2. Nice job on the PRs. From what I could tell, the squat was nice and deep, though I agree with Danny that the video angle wasn't optimal.

    I would be hesitant about adding more to what already looks like a pretty tough program. Cobbling together two programs won't lead to twice the progress. You'll either overtrain or injure yourself. If you want to add deadlifts and Oly lifts, I would use a program that has those built in (say, Starting Strength, Texas Method, or any number of Oly-specific programs) or do some minor alterations (NOT additions) to something like RTS.
