Wednesday, August 11, 2010

JC (08/11)- RSP Day 14


Back squat-
45x10, 135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x2, 315x1
Work set-
345- 3x3 (PR)
First set was legit, ATG style. Last two, well, I had some help in the last rep of each.

Bench Press-
45x8, 135x5, 185x4, 225x3 (guy spotting me felt I had "more" in me, lol), 275x2
Work set-
315- 3x3 (PR)

Tough, but got through it.


@35- 3x5

BW- 1x10

Ab roller- 3x7

Next cycle, I want to plan accordingly so that I don't squat heavy and bench heavy on the same day.


  1. Strong lifting! I think that this training cycle is a great success. But next time, try to find a better spotter -- reps 2 and 3 don't count. You should have told him no to touch the bar, especially since you seem to be good for 315x5 anyway.

  2. Yeah, I was pretty pissed about that- I specifically told him not to touch the bar. I go to a bodybuilder gym, and apparently they can't stop themselves from touching the bar:( On monday, which I'm scheduled for 325 2x2, I'll make sure no one touches anything.

  3. Other than telling this to the spotter, there is really nothing you can do, other than not using a spotter, which is not 100% safe unless you're pressing in a power rack.

  4. Yeah, true true. Thanks for the motivation Danny!
