Friday, January 8, 2010

This week

I've been lifting but not posting. Oops.

Sunday - 1/03/10

Ice skating @ Boston Common : ~1.5 hours

Easy. I didn't fall once, and seemed to get my grove going eventually, despite crappy rental skates that were making my right foot cramp painfully. Called it early due to that, but fun.

Monday - 1/04/10

Board Presses:
6?x45, 2x5x65, 4?x85, 4x95
4x115, 4x135, 2x3x155, 2x2x155

So, it looks like my lockout is not my limiting factor in bench. :P
While my pre-season fitness hasn't been the most hardcore, my bench is getting awesome!

Military press:
45x8, 65x8x3

Practice makes perfect.

Cable rows:
60x8, 80x8, 100x6x4?

Tuesday: 1/05/10

Wrestling practice: 2 hours

OH GOD. After about an hour of instruction from Elena, we drilled for a while then just wrestled, in 3 10-minute bouts, with a water break in between. I eventually got to the point where I could actually give the fight to her for a bit, before she pinned me. Then another 5-10 minutes of intense repetition drilling, in which I got to practice just standing tackles for a bit. Exhausting in the good way, but not going to be another sport for me. Might hit the harvard practices on sundays (more instructional) if I want to continue, the 5-7 schedule @MIT conflicts with my normal work hours.

Good mornings:
45x10, 65x8x3

Front squat:
45x8, 95x5x3

Some quad assistance. Light, as I was suffering after practice.

Back hyperextension:

I love these.

Thursday - 1/07/10

Interval running: 35mins

Good. Was doing ~4min fast intervals for a while before I actually start following the treadmill program.

V-ups, bicycle crunches +10lbs

TPS tonight? I need to skwat.


  1. You have to work on Sundays? That sucks.

  2. the sunday practices _don't_ conflict, hence their appeal. I tend to work ~10a-6pm, so the M-F 5-7p practices at MIT are less than optimal.

    Meanwhile I've been invited to try judo and jujitsu at MIT as well, so I should try those before doing more wrestling i think.
