Thursday, December 3, 2009

Frank (12/3): RTS Intensity, ME Bench

My body felt fine, but mentally I wasn't all together today. Still, given that and the fact that I haven't focused much on bench this cycle, I'm pretty satisfied with the results. So...

Bench Press
1x295 (PR + 5)
The 295 was a clear 10 on the RPE scale. 300 wasn't even close.

Pause Dumbbell Bench (~2 seconds)
3x110 @ 9
3x110 @ 9
3x110 @ 10

Cable Row: 4x8@190

So I decided to try maxing out my military press also, for no particular reason. As I said, I wasn't completely there mentally. So, again...

Military Press
185 was pretty easy. 195 wasn't even close.

Not a bad result. Now, I just need to make sure I don't bomb Saturday's deadlift session. I'll probably go for 495, 525, 535/545 (stretch goal).


  1. Nice job on the bench PR man. I wanna see you pull another PR for the deadlift haha.

  2. I suggest not to go heavy on deadlifts. Maybe work up to 315 and that's it. Too many weak football players at MIT will be destroyed otherwise.

  3. @JC: Thanks! I'm hoping for a big PR (especially with a belt now), but I don't want to psych myself out.

    @Danny: Hah! =)
