Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Brian - Deload Chest and Some Wrestling

Over the holiday I traveled home for a little break. I wrestled with the team I help coach. I was worried about my elbows hurting from lifting, and alas, after practice they hurt so bad that I was nearly in tears.

I'm so confused by this injury. They didn't hurt while I was wrestling but the moment I got home and cooled down it was intense pain on the inside of my arms. I put a little ice on them and after 30 minutes they were good as new. I just don't get it.

I did get to kick some ass though, so that was a nice change of pace from empty-threatening Jon's life all day. I also did a bunch of low weight, high rep, very intense exercises with the team that I don't feel like listing, but it was good to get back to those workouts for a few days.

Today I went back and did a final day of deload chest before volume squats tomorrow.

Bench w/ pause;
Warmup - 45x10, 95x5, 135x5, 160x3
Working - 185x3, 185x3, 185x3, 185x3

Close grip decline bench;
Warmup - 135x10
Working - 185x8, 185x8

Hammer Curls - 15lb(each hand)x20x3

I did these because Nathan (through Kik) mentioned that they might be good for my incredibly strange elbow injury. I went very slow on the negative. Also as a side note, absolutely zero elbow pain on bench today. Weird...

Seated rows - 70x15x1 (pause at chest)

Pushups - 20x6

Looking forward to volume squats tomorrow. I might bring a camera to post videos so that we can talk about form. That seems like a pretty effective way to evaluate technique and get useful feedback.

Oh, I also signed up for a half marathon today. Might be time to start running again soon!

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