Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Aaron 11/22

So it was a sort of disaster and yet a decent training day.

Foam Press

Overhead Press


4 +0 (fail)


55lbs x12 reps x3 sets

Some band pull aparts...

So I embarrassed myself by thinking I could rep 135 on OP, which i did last time, but didn't this time...I almost crushed my windpipe because I was thinking "C" and kept saying "back back back" to myself...and I wasn't a very good spotter to my bench partner either...

On the positive side, my shoulders are really, really sore, but not hurt. And before I could do a ton of dips with weight strapped on, so I gained weight, which is a good thing. I should be at 90kg, or above right now. Well, my lifts say not so much...in fact though my bench is exactly where is should be considering my subtotal. I'm glad to have met some of the crew, and tomorrow (Tues.) I'll meet the rest of you guys.


  1. Hah, don't worry, you were a fine spotter. Everyone likes being spotted in a slightly different way, and it takes a few sets to get used to.

    I'm actually a little surprised that you're not better at estimating the weights to use during your workout. I don't have quite enough data points to say, but it might be worth looking back at your training log and planning weights and set-rep schemes in advance.

    Then again, you are injured, so I would reiterate my suggestion to do deadlifts and squats (if you can) normally and do rehab work only on upper-body days.

  2. Oh, another thing, I saw a video of a guy totaling 2065 raw at 270 using the same form as you, so maybe it is better. I've never tried it. I (and most of the other folks here, I think) usually keep our heels planted, which I think is a requirement for some feds, but others probably know more about this.

  3. I was planning on repping 200lbs on bench if my shoulder felt better. I had repped 195 the last time I benched. I hadn't foam pressed before, so I was planning on ramping up as needed. I'm not injured anymore, I was just being a little cautious.

    I saw the monster teen on PLwatch...he's insane!
