Thursday, October 15, 2009

Frank (10/15): RTS Lockout Experimental Day 1

First day of RTS. I'm still fiddling with the exercises and weights, so I may not actually count this as the first day of the volume cycle. We'll see.

Pin Press (4-5" off my chest): 4@265, 5@245
Board Press (with full foam roller): 5@245, 5@265
Board Press (with aerobic step): 4@265

The pin presses felt really awkward. I feel like I lose all tension in my back, chest, and shoulders when I hit the pins. The board presses felt better, but I feel that the full foam roller is too far above my weak point, since I could easily hit 5 at 265. The half foam roller might be better, but I couldn't find it and used the aerobic step as a substitute. That felt about right.

Floor Press: 5, 5, 5, 4, 3 @ 225
These suck. I didn't realize how much I was using my legs to brace myself when benching. When I lose that stability, everything goes.

Dips: 5x8@45
Pullups: 5@45, 4x5@25
The dips felt pretty easy, though I was swinging a bit because I haven't done them in a while. I started with a little too much weight on the pullups since I didn't anticipate how tired my arms would be after all that pressing.

All in all, I like the RTS template, but I'm still feeling how the new exercises and how much weight I should be using. I'm also not used to this much heavy pressing in one day, since I did more than 10 sets with over 200, 15 if you include the dips. As with all programs, I'll stick with this for a while and see how it goes. The proof is in progress.