Monday, August 24, 2009

Gordon: 8/22 & 8/23

8/22/09: Speed day

Box Squat: 9x3@185 (fast)
Bench: 8x3@135 (medium fast)
Bent over row: 3x6@154 (medium)
Hanging leg raise: 6,8,8,8
Cable standing crunch: 3x8@100

All the speed sets started out medium, then got faster as the sets went on. Didn't quite know what to do with all the extra hours at the gym, so did some abs too.

8/23/09: Accessory day

Good Morning: 3x5@185 (medium) per Nate's advice I'm going to start progressively adding weight to gm's
DB curl: 8@30; 4x8@35 (slow)
Calf raise: standing - 2x8@160; seated - 2x8@90
Sit ups: 3x10@45

Was really unfocused today and babbled too much. Need to increase work capacity (conditioning) and focus.

Also, I've decided to enter into a bodybuilding pre-competition phase on account of an ex coming into town this weekend, and me needing to show her what she's missing. The plan is to drop to 1000 Cal/day, take ECA stack, and carb/water deplete starting today. John I'll need advice for good tanning salon, Andre for hair removal/manicure/pedicure, Shanker for ways to push her out of my life, and Rene for fashion tips :D


  1. Yes, it's a true story: last week, Gordon was doing good mornings with 135, which is a waste of time for building any kind of strength (maybe good for active restoration). So Nate suggested to go heavier.
