Tuesday, March 27, 2012


This is the big daddy in the house, aka Ronny. First post, so don't take it too seriously.

Uhh I squatted 140 kilos for 3 sets of ocho reps. Bitches be hurting. I mean, I wasn't really squatting, as frank's verbal commands actually moved the weight up, but holding it on my back for so long was quite tedious.
Imma use that belt next time, although I think I lost it again.

Oh, I ordered some chuck taylor's since they're better than my current thick,comfy running shoes I wear to squat and deadlift. I'm also getting a sleeve for my elbow and will continue my regiment of horse manure/ icepack therapy. I think it's working.

Right, where was I... after squats I did some Glute Ham Raises. I be hearing they be sexy on the posterior chain ( My big ASS!) so frank showed me how to do them without a machine at our local Z center. Whatever it was I was doing was hard and it hurt like a bitch. Be it my size or whatever, this was a futile attempt at incredibly difficult assistance work. I did a few sets of 3 reps or just 1.

Then I read somewhere on the internet - not while at the gym- that behind the neck presses were the sexiest for anterior and general delt development, and since I believe everything on the internet, I said eff it leh do it. 60 kilos 8,8,5.

Oh wait, I didn't mention I had this leeway with that I did after squats cause Andrey was lazy and said do whatever I wanted. I'm also on Andrey's Hardcore Ukrainese Hardcore program. This dude seriously gives us like 4 hours worth of shit to do if we actually did everything and rested in between. Oh well, sometimes I skip ABs.

After delts, I think I just started grabbing the grippers real good. I can close a 2 now, when I'm fresh, and I do about 3 sets of 1s for 12-15 reps on each side. I also hold onto a closed/closed enough 2 for as long as humanely possible and it feels hard so hopefully that's doing something to my grip, besides deadlifting heavy.

I think I superseted these with some crunches, and finished off with a couple sets of ab rollers. Not a very well documented program, and hardly a productive day, but you get the point: I'm the Big Daddy in the house!


  1. How do you guys do GHR's at the Z?

  2. Yep, the blog is officially a joke.

  3. Ronny knows he don't do any abs, he just lying.

    Also, yeah, how do you guys do GHR's?

    1. so frank had me get one of those half balls. with half the squishy stuff. and set that under a squat rack, near something that can hold your legs. and yeah you stick yo knees in it and bend over get back up, focusing the motion on hip flexion. I felt it really good, bro. I'll show you once you get back.

    2. I can't take any credit. I was shown how to do this by Case, one of Brian's friends. I think these are a bit easier than a truly natural GHR but harder than doing one using a GHR machine.

      Great first post, too. I loled a few times. You will never hear me write lol again.

  4. I don't see why the blog is a joke now. Ronny is just having fun.

  5. I thought that was a great first post. Shankar, you are a sourpuss. I saw Ronnie at the Z-center doing deadlifts until his legs were bleeding, so he should be able to write whatever he wants on the blog.

  6. RONNY! You don't need to do abs, your abs are already thick enough dude.
