Sunday, March 11, 2012

Vincent: 3/6 - 3/11

135x5, 5


Session Terminated

(Bodyweight 180 lb)

Handstand work: 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2

BW x 5
+45 x 5
+80 x 1
+85 (265) x 6, 6, 5 (slight kicks on the last rep of the last two sets)

45 x 5
95 x 5
135 x 1
140 x 5, 5, 5

Back ext:
BW x 5
(+25) x 10, 10, 10, 3

Barbell Curls:
45 x 10
55 x 10, 8, 6

Yellow band pull aparts: 25, 25, 20, 20


The workout on 3/6 was pretty bad; I felt tired the whole time even during my general warmup (some erging). I did manage to hit what I needed to on squats but it was pretty tough. And when I went to press even the 95x5 felt a lot heavier than it usually does so I juse terminated the session there. I had been feeling a sort of accumualtion of fatigue building up the last couple of weeks. So I decided to take a long overdue break from lifting. The last time I took one was when I was sick for a week a month and a half ago which really doesn't quite count. I'd been going for a month straight before that too.

Got back 3/11, everything felt much better, felt fresh. Press went up happily. Barely made the last rep so I may repeat 3x5. Hoping that the 25-30 pounds added over the last six weeks transfers to my bench in a significant way. Shoulder finally feels 100% so I may be okay to bench again; I'll wait at least another couple of weeks just to make sure (been off for a month and a half).

Chins are very slowly improving. Hoping to hit 3x6 in two weeks.

Curls are to strengthen my wrist, both the musculature and the tendons. So it's intentionally fairly light, though the last couple of sets were surprisingly difficult. Got a bout of tendonitis a few weeks ago from going to heavy on these. I'm hoping to ward off tendonitis from wrist-intensive gymnastics movements in the future as it has been a recurring problem. Biceps are also kinda weak so secondarily they get stronger too.

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