Saturday, March 10, 2012

Frank (3/10): Gaaaaaaaaaah

I weighed 180.6lbs this morning, so I risked eating some breakfast with sodium (for later rehydration) before hitching a ride with Andrey to the meet. At the meet, I weighed in at 82kgs exactly (180.8lbs).

190kgs (419lbs), good, pretty easy
207.5kgs (457lbs), no good, I pitched forward coming out of the hole
207.5kgs (457lbs), no good, my back angle was fine, and I got out of the hole, but couldn't finish

132.5kgs (292lbs), good, easy-ish
137.5kgs (303lbs), no good, lost it a few inches from lockout, I guess that means more tricep work
137.5kgs (303lbs), no good, lost it a few inches off my chest

265kgs (584lbs), good, pretty fast
290kgs (639lbs), no good, lost it a few inches above my knee, perhaps an inch from lockout
290kgs (639lbs), no good, it left the floor by about 2 inches, but I was too tired by then

So I thought my December 10 meet was bad. This one was worse! 3/9, which is just enough to not bomb out. I still managed to take first in my weight class, beating three other people, but that was mainly because they were quite a bit older, and hey, I'm not that weak.

Andrey did quite well. He squatted 190/205/220/225, benched 120/130/140, and deadlifted 240/255/265. He took first in the 90kg class, beating out 6 other people, some of whom were also in their lifting prime.

Anyway, one bad meet is a coincidence. Two bad meets (in a row!) means that I'm doing something seriously wrong with my training or meet prep. I think it's mostly the latter because my gym maxes have been good. Anyway, I'm going to eat (and sleep) for now and will follow up later with a list of what I think I'm doing wrong.


  1. This is Nathan. Making weight can screw you up. You should eliminate this variable first -- I suggest your next meet you do not try to make weight. I suspect there are other things to fix, but you aren't going for world records so I would start there. Keep in mind that strength sports happen over years. The next meet doesn't matter, its the one a year from now that you should focus on.

  2. Frank don't loose hope you are still legend. I still remember clearly the last meet I came to watch, where you deadlifted over 600. I remember them announcing this weight because normally they just mention the weight in kilos. But in your case they converted to pounds to remind everyone how awesome it was.

    However I still look forward to your assessment of your performance because I'm sure it will contain valuable lessons for all.

  3. Frank I this you're awesome, but perhaps your second attempts weights were too big a jump?

  4. Thanks guys! I think that cutting weight was definitely the main culprit, but there are other reasons too, which I'm still in the middle of figuring out. The second jumps may or may not have been too big (I've taking similar ones in training with success), but they were certainly too big for this particular meet, at this particular weight.
