Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Running this program on deadlifts right now. Hopefully that goes well; I haven't actually focused on this lift before. As for other lifts, I'm going for simple 3x5 progression on squat and overhead press as I am not very experienced with either lift. The overhead pressing is taking the place of my bench while my shoulder heals. I'll be taking a week or maybe more off of chinning.

Currently my typical lifting day begins with about 15 minutes of warmup, 10 minutes of which is handstand work. Then I do my lifts and if I feel like it I will work on flexibility at the end. Flexibility is mostly to aid certain gymnastics skills, in particular a straddle L.

I'll be listing only worksets.

2/10: Deadlift: 355 x 2, 380 x 2, 410 x 2

2/12: Squat:  225, 3x5
OHP: 120, 5, 4, 3
Rows: 155, 3x5
OAC: 1 on the right hand, one on the left (yellow band assisted)

2/14: Front Lever (in seconds): One leg x 3, Flat Tuck: 6, 8, 5
OHP: 120, 3x5
Curls: 85 x 5, 5, 4
Bridge (seconds): 2x15

Got a good bit of front lever practice today. Working on scapular retraction in particular as well as getting into position.


  1. Good stuff. Are you learning the gymnastic positions from the Christopher Sommer article/book? I thought the concept of using a progression scheme for static gymnastic holds was pretty genius.

    1. I learned of them from both the article and the book, as well as from the beastskills site. Recently I've come across Overcoming Gravity:


      which is the best bodyweight/gymnastics-strength resource I've found by a good margin. It's essentially a starting strength for bodyweight.

      Sommer's book is fairly incomplete as it does not outline prerequisites to properly prepare the connective tissue (for example, back lever before planche). It's also a tad biased against barbell work.

    2. Nice. Could I take a look at the Overcoming Gravity book?

  2. I refuse to acknowledge any program that has a picture of Christian Thibodeau in it as a good idea.
