Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dee: 2/8 - Test Day

Thursday-Today: travelling to/from/around Caleefornya. Walking on beaches.

Wednesday - Test day:

Weight: 128lbs.

10-30 minutes of warmups before each set of attempts.

170x1 Good
185x1 Good
200x1 Fail

Got stuck too deep in the hole. The jump felt too much, but Nathan basically described it correctly as me over-analyzing depth and form, when at that point I should just be fucking squatting and not thinking about it.

115x1 Good
120x1 Good
125x1 Good
130x1 Good

Full pause, ass on the bench. Hell yes. My judges called those my best heavy benches ever, and they felt like it, with room to spare. I wanted to go for 135, but had already hit my goal of 130 on the fourth attempt and didn't want to jinx it.

270x1 Good
285x1 Good
305x1 Fail

Basically what I expected. I didn't really concentrate on deads this cycle, but was still able to lock out 285 (my ADFPF record). Hopefully next year with a full 3 month mesocycle I will be able to make improvements here again.

Total: 600lbs. Ties me with my IPA meet in 2009, #87 all-time total in 132lb raw class.

These results definitely show that you get out of your training what you put in: I focused heavily on building a good stable bench with my ass glued to the bench, so that I would never be red lighted for that again, and I succeeded. I was fiddling with squat form and never quite found my groove there, thus missed tying my PR. Deadlift was the most neglected, but as my best lift it did not suffer too much.

Strength goals for the next 4-6 months:
5/3/1 (2 lifts / week) with power/speed before and conditioning after.
140 bench, maintaining progress made with form.
200 squat again, but more concerned with a solid, no-thinking-required squat with rebound.
300 DL again, but with a good back for the 90%+ lifts instead of letting it go to shit.

1 comment:

  1. And so Dee continues to embarrass the young men lifting at the Z. Nice job. I'm going to nag you again and say that you should have gone for that 135.
