Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Frank (2/22): RTS, Volume 3, Deadlift

Clean and Jerk
2x70, 2x80, 1x90, 1x100, 1x110, 1x120
Jason said that I couldn't clean and jerk 120kg, so I felt compelled to do this. Sucker. I should have bet money. Also, I have to admit that clean and jerking with the freshly lubed bars gave me great pleasure. I was a bit noisy, unfortunately, but I didn't get yelled at.
5x315, 3x365, 3x405, 1x455, 1x495
3x535 @ 9
3x535 @ 9+
3x535 @ 10-

Pause Squat
5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315
3x335 @ 9
3x335 @ 9+
3x335 @ 10-

Yes: 3x10 @ 100
No: 3x10 @ 120
Ab Rollout: 3x5


  1. The clean was beautiful, the jerk not so much, but all around very impressive.

  2. Yeah, AKA adductor/abductor machine.

    I'll admit that my jerking was pretty messy. I actually haven't jerked in ages, which is I guess is a good thing because it's hard to grip the bar with hairy palms.
