Friday, December 3, 2010

Power That Is: 12/02 5/3/1 Bench Week 1

Bench Press
215x8 (Tom gave me a little bump on #9)
215x4 (?) not sure, lost track of sets.

DB Rows
up to 160x12 RH 6+2+2+2 LH

Core work.

Might as well document some of the conditioning as well:
Tuesday Ran the green building once. Unfortunately the air in there is fucking awful. Mark and I were hacking up phlegm for about 15 minutes afterward. So....decided to push the prowler from DKE to Tang and back, alternating with Mark. Probably a total of 400 yards for each of us.

Every Saturday for the past month Mark and I have been pushing my prowler with weight in the Z center parking lot. Usually do 8-9 total "sets" with the last 4 or more with 50lbs plus for 30 yard sprints on low handles, then 30 yard sprint back on vertical bars. This will be continuing as long as possible. Already what had us nearly vomiting and afraid stand up is getting reasonably easy.

Also (since Danny asked) the top sets for this cycle of 5/3/1 are:



I forgot, have to look at the sheet.


  1. -- Yes, after a couple of cycles, 531 is becoming more challenging. Still, I think that the numbers could have been more accurate (i.e., not much more than 5-3-1 reps on weeks 3-2-1) without the 90% adjustment. This seems unnecessary for amateur lifters (= without chemistry), but you are getting to the "right" numbers anyway.

    -- Did you try doing the conditioning work after lower-body workouts? If you are worried about conditioning (in your case, why?), is 1-day-per-week sufficient? Two days seem to be the bare minimum.

  2. Forgot to ask: what is "power that be" and "power that is"? Why are you not posting as Shanker (and Frank)? Maybe this is some American joke I didn't get.

  3. Hey Shanker, I'd like to do some conditioning work with you once I'm back at MIT. As soon as my ankle heals that is...

  4. Danny:

    -Actually I was thinking about this. Provided the results of this cycle are satisfactory, I would take a slightly higher percentage for my next cycle, say 93% or 95%.

    -The conditioning is partly for recovery, which is why one of the prowler pushing days is after my squat workout. It's also because I want to do a little more cardiovascular work, but I hate running.

    -It's a play on the comment I made on Nate's 5/3/1 variation post. "Jumping on one of these routines simply because it gets better overall reviews from the powers that be on this blog is just admitting that you wasted the last cycle or more of 5/3/1."

    -Sure provided we have a place to do it.

  5. Hey Danny, how does an octopus bench press?

  6. Assuming that this octopus competes raw, I recommend the following setup (equipped is a whole different story):
    -- Tentacles 1+...+4: on the floor; we want strong leg drive.
    -- Tentacles 5+6: hold on to the bench; with this much leg drive, you are likely to come off the bench.
    -- Tentacles 7+8: hold the bar.
    -- Tentacles 9+...+14: give a 3-man liftoff.

    And don't tell me that an octopus has only 8 tentacles, unless you are a marine biologist, or have been on an octopus-watching program for long enough time. The fact is that none of us has been watching these animals for more than a few weeks, and even though the powers to be (or the powers to is) may think otherwise, my octopus has 14 tentacles (because he is advanced). :)

  7. Lets not turn this into an tentacle measuring contest.
