Thursday, December 2, 2010

Power That Be (12/2): Squat, Volume 3

I'm not feeling fully recovered here...

Back Squat
5x45, 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 3x275, 3x315, 1x365
3x385 @ 10
3x385 @ 10
3x385 @ 10
3x385 @ 10
3x385 @ 10
3x385 @ 10
Every set felt as hard as the previous one, but oddly enough, they didn't feel harder as the session went on. Also, I tried wearing my new Asics wrestling shoes for squatting to see what it feels like to squat with flat heels. I wore them up to the last warmup at 365, then switched back to my squatting shoes because it felt too weird. I think that was probably a bad idea.

Reverse Band Deadlift (65-175)
5x225, 5x315, 5x405, 3x495, 3x545, 1x585
3x655 @ 10
Stare @ 585
I did this for a good long while, then realized that I really wasn't up to it. I don't feel fully recovered from Monday, and I'll be pulling again on Sunday, so whatever. The Asics felt pretty good, though.

Oly Squat: 4x8 @ 255
Ab Rollout: 3x6


  1. -- How are the percentages of this cycle are different from the previous one? Maybe somewhere in the middle in the right number to pick.

    -- In the last few months, I wear do-win wrestling shoes for squats and slippers for deadlifts. Adjusting to the do-wins took a few weeks.

  2. I upped all the percentages to the top of their range instead of staying at the bottom like the previous cycle. I think I have a pretty good idea of where to keep it for the next cycle, which is, as you say, somewhere right in the middle.

    I'm not sure why I decided to switch shoes for this session, but now that I tried it, I think I'm definitely sticking with my squat shoes.
