Wednesday, November 17, 2010


squat: 45*8+95*6+135*6+185*5+225*5+275*5*5
bench: 45*6+95*5+135*5+185*5+225*5+245*5*3+255*3
press: 45*6+95*5+115*5*5
deadlift: 70kg*6+110kg*5+140*3*3+190kg*1+255kg*1(PR+5kg)
Originally I planned to deload today, but my friend did 170kg deadlift, usually I did his weight *1.5, he bet that I couldn't do 255kg, I was inspired so I tried, and succeed. And I also closed No. 2 of the hand-muscle developer (did I call it right?) in the gym for the first time today, feels quite excited.
Maybe because I took a nap before came to gym today, and wasn't too tired after squat and bench.


  1. Wow. You did all that today before deadlift and still pulled off a PR?! Congrats!

  2. Congrats on the PRs. People usually call it gripper, or by the brand name "Captain of Crush"( CoC for short). So since you closed it you'd say "I closed the #2 CoC gripper."

  3. -- Congratulations on the deadlift PR! You should definitely consider entering a meet.

    -- When you can close #2 for 5-6 consecutive reps, it's worth trying #2.5 (don't know if they have this at MIT).

    -- @Q: I haven't followed Sheng's workouts very carefully, but everything he did before the 255 DL looks like an easy warm-up (though there were many sets).

  4. Q: Just like Danny said, what I did earlier was kinda of warm up, that's why I could pull a PR at last.
    Aaron: Thanks for pointing that out.
    Danny: I tried many times before, yesterday was my first time closing #2. In order to do that, I practiced for two months, almost each time before I left gym, I closed #1 for several sets till exhaust. And if I am in a good condition and time allows, when you guys participate in a meet, I will join. Yesterday's PR for deadlift was a pure accident, I was planning to deload, if it wasn't for the bet I wouldn't have done it yesterday.

  5. Nice. As sick as CoD: Black Ops (not sure if you get the reference).

  6. Nice deadlift, and closing the #2 CoC is no joke.
