Thursday, November 18, 2010

Frank (11/18): Bench, Volume 1

Bench Press
5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 3x185, 3x225
5x245 @ 8
5x245 @ 9
5x245 @ 9
5x245 @ 9/10
5x245 @ 9/10

Military Press
5x45, 5x95, 3x135
5x167.5 @ 8
5x167.5 @ 9
5x167.5 @ 9
5x167.5 @ 9/10
5x167.5 @ 10
I lean too far back when doing these.

Barbell Row: 4x8 @ 235
Dumbbell Incline Bench: 8, 8, 7, 7 @ 85
I think it was a mistake to go a little heavier on these given how tough my main exercises were today.
Dumbbell Preacher Curl: 2x6 @ 45

I also got a good suggestion from Shanker about doing mid-shin pulls for my deadlift since my weakness is somewhere between my knees and mid-thigh, but since I've already started my program, I'd rather not tweak things mid-cycle. I'll see this through to the end, reassess, and fiddle with my exercise selection if I think things can be improved.


  1. How are these two connected?
    -- mid-shin pulls.
    -- weak point is between knees and mid-thigh.

    I also think that mid-shin pulls, and also pause DLs, are good (doing the first one myself), but don't understand your reasoning.

  2. I can't be entirely sure of Frank's personal justification but right now the two of us have similar failure points and I justify midshin pulls thus (preferring to think in terms of movements rather than physical placement of the bar at failure)

    1) We are both very strong off the floor and very strong locking out from a perfectly arched back position. The weakness seems to occur from a suboptimal (slight rounding of the back) form at maximal weights in the middle of the rep. The best way that I see to attack this is through as large a range of motion that DOESN'T involve generating the initial power through the legs. (I hope this makes sense to people reading this)

    2) While the "weak point" that I (and I believe Frank as well) experiences is roughly slightly above the knee, this is due to a slowing of the pull prior to this point. Thus the actual weak part of the motion is lower than point of failure, specifically slightly below the knee.

    Anyway, this is merely an intellectual it seems to be working for me which is really all the justification that I need.

    Hope this makes sense.

  3. My reasoning is more the second than the first, but for now, I'm still working directly on what I think my weakness is by doing reverse band pulls. If that doesn't work for me, then I'll change.
