Monday, November 15, 2010

JC (11/15)- 5/3/1 Deload

Bench Press-
185- 5x5

Rack lockouts-
315- 3x5

Bicep stuff-

Cardio- 20 min

Next cycle, I plan on doing 5x5 at a higher intensity for bench assistance, and throw in 3x10 for hypertrophy stuff. I also need to establish a method for progressing on rack lockouts. Maybe just increasing by 5 lbs a week....

Scratch that, instead of 3x10, I'm switching to dips, but I am keeping the 5x5.


  1. Something doesn't make sense. After the deload week, comes the 5-rep week, where I'm almost sure you will get at least 8-9 reps due to the (for lack of a better word:) "incremental" weight selection in 531. Then, since you are aiming for 5x5 at a higher intensity, I'm guessing that you will have to add weight (in comparison to the standard working set of 531). Maybe Shanker can resolve this issue.

  2. I meant that instead of doing 5x10 at like 60% of my training max, I would be switching to 5x5 at a higher intensity- like maybe 75% or something. Does that make sense?

  3. What you said makes sense. The reason you're doing it doesn't though.

  4. Please explain why. If I remember correctly, Shanker is doing something similar.

  5. I meant at a higher intensity relative to my previous assistance sets, not my actual 5/3/1 work sets....

  6. Danny's right, this is where 5/3/1 gets a little inane... 75% of your REAL max is, in fact, greater than 75% of your training max (90% of REAL max) which is what you would use as your top set.

    It is a little weird as it's basically saying that in the 5 week you get more work from your assistance than from your "working" sets.

    The one thing I will say is that 5/3/1 is set up to make sense in the 6th and 7th cycle, not necessarily the 1st or 2nd.

    But this is probably a conversation better saved for the argument of whether or not 5/3/1 is legitimate powerlifting program

  7. I know very little about 5/3/1, but I found this calculator on T-Nation, of all places... I found it pretty handy to use when trying to understand what you guys are up to:

  8. Quoting Shanker: "As "assistance" I have started "pyramiding" down, just to get some more volume in at a higher intensity. (For those who don't know I was doing "Boring But Big" which is 5 sets of 10 at 40-50%). For instance on Squat day after hitting 290x9, I proceeded to do 290x5, 275x5, 255x5, 225x5...."

    This is what I meant when I said higher intensity.

  9. @Frank: Thanks for the calculator.

  10. But yes, I understand Danny's argument.

  11. Yeah, I disagree with what Shanker did as well. I think it will be too much to recover from after a while. I don't really like 5/3/1.

  12. So....apparently a mere ONE set of <85% intensity (per lift) over the course of 4 weeks is too much?

    To the best of my knowledge there have been 6 people on this blog who have actually done 5/3/1 and more than half of us have realized that the volume isnt enough.

    JC has come to the exact same conclusion as Justin and myself, something Danny has mentioned repeatedly...what he's doing is perfectly fine, disagreeing is one thing. Disagreeing in the face of a preponderance of evidence is just contrary.

  13. I just don't like the way 5/3/1 set up, nor do I like the idea of doing 5x10 squats or deads, or 5x10 anything. What I meant was your hard set of 290lbs x9, plus another at 290lbs x4, plus 270lbs x something, etc, then some assistance. Its not really 5/3/1 anymore.

    I realize now though that you guys are just trying to adjust it to your own bodies. Its a sort of bastardization of the program, but if it works no one can argue. If I say anything more it would just be talking out of my ass, since I haven't tried 5/3/1.

  14. Its still 5/3/1 as long as we follow the prescribed sets as dictated in 5/3/1 for said workouts. If we get the reps on the third week, then thats progress. All other supplementary sets are just adjusted to our lifting styles.
