Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Q's first Starting Strength workout 10-27-10

Hello everyone!
This is Q aka Wuqiong Fan (fanwuq at mit dot edu), a freshman undergrad. I started messing around with weights and learning about powerlifting last year when I decided that I didn't want to stay skinny and weak. I did mostly deadlift, power clean, overhead press, bentover rows, push ups, and chin ups at home and did not really follow a program. I've been learning from Frank and Sheng in the Z center for the past couple weeks. Now I'm trying to consistently follow the Starting Strength program and post my log here.

45 x5 x2
95 x5
135 x5
185 x3
205 x5 x3

Overhead press:
45 x5 x2
65 x5
75 x5
95 x3
105 x5 x3

45 x5
135 x5
185 x5
225 x3
245 x1
275 x5

Next time will be squat, bench, clean on Saturday.


  1. Welcome aboard! You've got some pretty good numbers for a SS newbie, so keep that progress going (and you're certainly stronger than I was freshman year for sure).

  2. Welcome to the blog. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. And yes, you're way stronger than I was when I was your age.

  3. Welcome bro- look forward to meeting you once I get back to MIT.

  4. Thanks guys! It doesn't matter how strong I start, the most important thing is to make steady progress. I'm still a lot weaker than all of you. When I first touched a barbell around this time last year, I thought a 95 lb deadlift was heavy. Hopefully I haven't exhausted my beginner gains potential.

    Maybe I'll be decent by the end of the year (aiming for 4 plates a side for deadlift, 3 plates a side for squat, and 2 plates a side for bench). I just need to follow the program consistently and remember to eat.

  5. I didn't fully stall out (e.g. even a reset didn't help) on squats until like 3 plates, so you should be good to go for a long while in terms of newbie potential... just be consistent in your training.

  6. That's good to hear.

    Aaron, how long have you been training for?

  7. I've been training seriously for a little over a year and a half now.
